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Is It Time For Term Limits For Congress?

Why Liberals Infuriate Vote_lcap189%Why Liberals Infuriate Vote_rcap1 89% [ 8 ]
Why Liberals Infuriate Vote_lcap111%Why Liberals Infuriate Vote_rcap1 11% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 9

Why Liberals Infuriate

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Why Liberals Infuriate Empty Why Liberals Infuriate

1. Facts don't matter. You get the right words and appeal to their emotions you've got em.
Truth counts. If we're going to be passionate it has to be about the truth.
No matter how much evidence you provide they justdon't see it.Maybe they don't want to.
2. A skewed idea of what liberty is. Maybe we need to get on the same page first.
3. When the liberals attack Bush it's generally on a personal level.They believe it is mean spirited(probably racist)to attack Obama on his policies.There's a difference.
4. Liberals do one of 2 things.They quote scripture and use Christianity to attack conservatism when it suits them. They attack Christianity and scripture when it suits their argument. They need a basic understanding of theology before we can get on the same page. I wouldn't let them get away with using scripture either. Michael Moore tried this on Hannity last night.What Moore doesn't get is that it's not capitalism that's evil-it's greed and materialism.There's a difference.
Communism was far more evil and Socialism is Communism lite.
5. I'd hold their feet to the fire.Permit them to defend Obama but don't let them do it by bringing up Bush. That's an easy out. Obama's policies have to stand on their own.It can't always be the old. "it's all Bush's fault."
6. What IS the proper role of government? Do they understand the Constitution?
7. They try to rewrite history but it's probably stuff they got from school to begin with.Or they're too young to have a real clear view of history anyway.
We might just be worlds apart.
8.They get their news from Obama's propaganda machine(aka media) and just parrot off the talking points.Get them into a serious discussion.See how far they get.
Throw facts at them-the talking points only go so far.
Still it's an uphill battle.Bush could do no right and Obama can do no wrong.
It is infuriating when you can see exactly what is going on and they're clueless.
Obama=Manchurian Candidate with corruption thrown in to boot.Give them



Posts : 83
Join date : 2009-10-07


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