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Is It Time For Term Limits For Congress?

how bout those elections? Vote_lcap189%how bout those elections? Vote_rcap1 89% [ 8 ]
how bout those elections? Vote_lcap111%how bout those elections? Vote_rcap1 11% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 9

how bout those elections?

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how bout those elections? Empty how bout those elections?

but let's not get too carried away.Obama isn't going to give up anything that easy.

I heard him give a speech today in Wisconsin. He repeats the same figures over and over.What is this? If he repeats the baloney often enough people will believe it? Their eyes do work.

He's counting on us being either too stupid to figure him out or so enamored of him we will support him even if it means going off a cliff.
Decision on Afghanistan? Don't hold your breathe. I'm not even sure he's 'dithering'.i don't think he cares one way or the other.

The Dover AFB was just a photo op. Period.End of story.

What do we do now that those 2 elections have sent a message? Keep on it. Take NOTHING for granted. This is not the time to fall asleep.
In fact there is the danger we will.The battle isn't anywhere near over!

Posts : 83
Join date : 2009-10-07


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